General Medicine

General Medicine Hospital in Sonipat

General Medicine

Our department of general medicine provide comprehensive primary care services for out patient and also provide care to hospitalized patient suffering from broad range of ailment. The department is well equipped to manage health conditions such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid Disorders, Heart Disease, Respiratory Infection and other Respiratory Diseases and communicable diseases. We are also managing other disease like Dengue, Malaria, Typhoid, we are having well equipped ICU and well trained staff.

Internal medicine deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult disease. We provide almost priority to indoor and outdoor patients supported by ICU, emergency care unit for comprehensive care to all critically sick patients.

The team of doctors is backed by trained para medics who perform various diagnostic tests and support the doctors in carrying out the best treatment for the patients. Our nurses are not only highly skilled but receive extensive and regular training to discharge their duties with the highest level of compassion and provide healing hands.